• culture

    Blog 11: Tomatoes with Sugar or Salt?

    When I was growing up in China we always ate fresh and raw tomatoes with sugar as a cold dish, whether we were at home or in a restaurant. I always refused to eat them because I like salty food. I disliked the cold, sweat and sour taste of tomatoes, especially during dinner when most dishes, including the warm dishes with tomatoes, are salty. I sometime murmured that I only liked raw tomatoes when they were salty and not sweet. But neither my parents nor anyone else thought it was a good idea. They all stared at me as if I were E.T. from another planet with a ridiculous custom.…

  • culture

    Blog 10: Chinese New Year

    Today is Chinese New Year, also popularly known as  the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year.  It is the longest and most important traditional festival for the Han Chinese. The origin of Chinese New Year celebration („Guo Nian“, 过年 in Chinese) is no longer known. But the tale that most people tell as the reason is that the word year, “Nian(年)“. In Chinese this was originally the name of a monster which always preyed on people the night before new year. To save the people a kindhearted immortal transformed himself into an old man. e told people to put red paper decorations on their windows and doors and to light…

  • Philosophy

    Blog 6: Mit Der Rechten Gehirnhälfte Zeichnen Lernen

    Als ich angefangen habe Porträts zu zeichnen, habe ich glücklicherweise das Buch “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain”  (Deutsche Version: “Garantiert Zeichnen Lernen”) von Betty Edwards Online entdeckt. Heute bin ich immer noch von ihrer Theorie begeistert. Betty Edwards ist für mich die allerbeste Kunstlehrerin. Ihre Theorie hat mir nicht nur geholfen zu Zeichnen, sondern auch meine Augen für Details zu Öffnen, die ich sonst übersehen hätte. Sie hat mir die Welt aus einer völlig neuen Perspektive gezeigt. Mit Hilfe ihres Buches “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” habe ich verstanden, wie wichtig es ist zu SEHEN (Um Betty Edwards und ihre Bücher kennenzulernen, bitte dem…