Blog 14: My Discovery about the Painter
In English both the artist who paints pictures and the skilled worker who paints the wall are called “painter“. I just tried it myself some weeks ago and found out that it really makes sense. They are very similar. Drawing and painting a wall both need similar hardware: brushes, colours, a base (no matter a cardboard, canvas or a wall panel). The quality of the material is very important and has an impact on the final work.Both require the same Software: a painter’s sense of colour, skill in handling the brushes and other painting tools, patience, as well as a level of expertise in design and attention to detail.This was…
Blog 4: Teddy from Ex
German Version According to Love Fengshui the living room symbolises the man in the house. Therefore, when I was single, I decorated my living room with romantic paintings and huge couches to make it nice and inviting for my future partner. But several years went by and I only met the wrong guys who either weren’t a match for me at all or were not ready for a serious relationship. Although I am generally an optimistic person, I started to wonder what was wrong with me and my Fengshui. A friend said, “well my dear, unfortunately you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet with your prince.“…
Blog 2: Youth – A Story about my Father
Deutsche Version Oct. 7, 2017 4:07 PM A century ago Samuel Ullman (1840-1924) wrote in his short article “Youth” that: Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life. I always think of my father when I read these words. My father is over 70 years old, but he has a very “young” heart. He studied electrical engineering in Harbin, a beautiful city in the north-east of…
Blog 1: Ein Neugeborenes Baby
English Version Heute haben ein paar Freunde mich angerufen, um mir ihre glückliche Nachrichte mitzuteilen: Ihr Baby war gerade geboren! Es brachte mich zurück zur Geburt meines eigenen kleinen Jungen. Die Welt ist seitdem nicht, wie befürchtet, kleiner geworden, so klein, dass es nur um das Baby und die kleine Familie handelt. Im Gegenteil, sie ist unendlich groß geworden. Ich sah plötzlich eine neue Dimension im Leben mit endlosen Möglichkeiten und bekam furchtlosen Mut und viel neue neue Hoffnung. Die Geburt meines Babys hat mich auch daran erinnert, dass das Leben sehr kurz ist und wir die Länge unseres Lebens nicht kontrollieren können. Wir können allerdings dessen Tiefe und Breite ändern.…